Price Trend of Sodium Erythorbate E316
To have a good knowledge of Sodium Erythorbate E316 price trend, would help our distributor/agent/end user make the right decision to buy right now or wait for a moment.
Sodium Erythorbate E316 is a food additive used predominantly in meats, poultry, and soft drinks. Chemically, it is the sodium salt of erythorbic acid. When used in processed meat such as hot dogs and beef sticks, it increases the rate at which nitrate reduces to nitric oxide, thus facilitating a faster cure and retaining the pink coloring. It helps improve flavor stability and prevents the formation of fungus. After sulfates were banned by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration there was an increase in the use of Sodium Erythorbate E316 as food preservatives.
The price of Sodium Erythorbate E316 is now stable. The price trends of Sodium Erythorbate will be updated on monthly basis. Please be sure to check back for price updates. Feel free to subscribe to our price update to receive and email notification when new updates are available.
Sodium Erythorbate E316 price depends on the raw materials price, Sodium Erythorbate E316 market supply and demand and other market items.
Recent Price Trend of Sodium Erythorbate E316, May 2017
Raw Materials price: Prices of raw material corn starch are stable.
Market demand and supply : demand and supply is stable. Production capacity of the Sodium Erythorbate E316 manufacturers didn’t change much.
Market Forecast: Considering the current market trend, price of Sodium Erythorbate E316 will be stable in the coming months.
To make customers well understand the current market and the following market trend, we always update the market situation, the supply & demand and price monthly.
*All price information is based on updated sourcing price of Sodium Erythorbate E316. We’ll make Sodium Erythorbate price trend chart for our valued customers soon.